Car Ownership and Road Availability

If you find that driving in the little red dot is getting more and more unbearable, you are not too far from the truth.

Using the data from @

We have this table.

Year All Vehicles Motorcycles Road Length Lane Kilometers Vehicle/KM Vehicle/Lane KM
2004 727395 137029 3188 8354 228.17 87.07
2005 754992 139434 3234 8459 233.45 89.25
Delta 27597 2405 46 105 599.93 268.83
So there are 27597 more vehicles on the road. (2 wheeled motorcycles included.) As compared only 105km of roads has been added (not necessary distance from point A to point B. )

For every kilometer of road, there are approx 228 in 2004 and then it increases to 233 in 2005. Well lets discount that most of the time cars are parked in the car park and not all are on the road. If 40% of them are on the road, then it will still be 91 cars on the road in 2004 and 93 cars on the road in 2005.

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