The Kingdom of Heaven is by Communism

Over the weekend, me and wife were chatting and somehow this topic came up. Government and the style of ruling. So I told her that, both of which are humans. Humans are so susceptible to corruption when given power. "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely". Given the fact that government, be it communism or democracy all want to better society. But humans are in the way.

Somehow the topic mutated. So God make the rule in Heaven. There is no money in Heaven and eveyone is equal. Everyone does his/her part for the betterment of the Heaven society. Everything is provided for and you do as you are told. Hmmm sounds like communism too me.

Argue with his commandments will you? But the difference is that, he does what he does for the good of his people. Always for the good of his people.

Human leader with that quality is almost impossible to come by.


Bahloo said...

Your post is at the same time deep, yet not deep...I'm not sure I am capable of dissecting this correctly so I wont.

The most obvious flaw in the argument I can see is where you said in heaven, people do what they are told. I think you are mistaking heaven for the little red dot.

If I'm not wrong, you are free to do whatever you want to in heaven but because you are a good person, that's why you are there, you are not going to do anything bad.

Ah Choo said...

They do what they do selflessly. They do as they are told, cos the intention is pure.

Either way, we are too ignorant to know what he is thinking anyway. IFF he has any agenda at all.