Sleepless nights

Have you ever had sleepless night? Last night was one such night for me. I lie in bed. Not too much tossing but lying still. Staring at the empty ceiling. I start to wonder, what can I be doing if i am not working? Why can't I sleep?

Just the night before I received a compliant from my wife that I snored so loud that it stop her from sleeping. Oops. Snoring not something I can stop conciously.

Want to read... but cannot on the light. Surf the net, but read all the interesting stuff already. Work? Never. I have lost hope of ever doing something interesting for the company. Lost hope in the way they work. The only hope i have is striking toto during work. Well it is hope that keep the human spirit alive. Hope, that keep people going.

Oh yeah, I realize today, the difference between the driven and not normal people is pretty simple. They want something so badly, they will persist, consistently at the same task, like the droplet of water falling from the sky. Keep on going until something big stop them or when they reach their destination. Destination Earth!

Oh yeah. Another day! My hope is alive. I have someone to care and share. I am a contented man. I am a happy man afterall.

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