Just came back from a 5 days low key reservist session.
As usual once in-process, it feels like I am on chain. Cannot go anywhere, do anything without orders. The feeling of lost freedom. The feeling take a sit back stage, as one by one the familar faces turn up. Faces which had went through the gruelling 5 days 4 night defence in the remote area in Simpang, Sembawang with me.
Reservist is a strange thing. There is a love hate relationship. Although I hate to go back, but going back bring about a strong sense of belonging. Being with my brothers-in arms.
Everytime i went back, there will be some real life story that I would experience. It also let me feel that higher the officers are, the more inhumane they get. All they worry about is looking good. An example, this guy called Poh, he had to go to Jarkata for work. However, office only confirm that last week. So he obediently came in and hope to have the in-camp defered. To his dismay, after an interview with the commanding officer, he was only given 1 day off. What is this?!! Work, money, family come first. Training can be done another day. If he lose his work because of this, Mindef is not going to be responsible. They will deny any responsibility and the poor guy will had to handle it himself. There are a thousand and one ways that the employer can find to have him "removed". If not it might affect his apprisal or promotion or bouns. We fight for Singapore not just on the military aspects but also on the economics front. In peace time economny come first. If companies in S'pore cannot accept the disruption of having its employees going on reservist and having productivity loss, then it is the Singaporean that will ultimately lose.
Another brother had came back and shared with us his story. He had to work overseas very frequently and is only in the country approx 10%- 20% of the time. But this the duration is always less than 1/2 a year and does not qualify for deferment. He was charged for failing to turn up for RT and then missing in-camp without permission. All in the name earning a living. The sad thing about his story was also because of his work. Due to his long hours away from home, his spouse had an affair and file for divorce. Problem is compounded with the reservist responsibilty.
Sacrifice made by NSmen is not going to be covered by a $400 progress package. Govt claimed to understand, but I guess they never will.
This in-camp we see a number of promotions and soon to be promoted personnel. From husband to father and father of 1 to father of 2. We still have a number of bachalors whom we are trying to get them promoted.
Going back is really a love hate relationship. Love to meet up with my brothers
but hate to lose my freedom. Love the talk cock session but hate the falling in. Love the drinking session but hate the lack of choice for meals. Love the shooting but hate to clean the rifle. Love the nature hate the mosquitos.
Dunno when is the next one going to be next year?